Saturday, February 16, 2013

Creative Writing: Week #5

This week in creative writing we were assigned to read fiction packet three and do a blog post on it. I am going to talk about three of the stories. The first one is the first section titled “When it Rains it Rains a River” by Peter Markos. To be honest I am not sure what some of the things meant in this story but they were a lot of themes that kept popping up. One of them for instance was mud. I thought this might be a metaphor for all the bad stuff that boys can do. The other two things that came up a lot were brothers and girl.
The next story I found interesting was “The Falling Girl”. From what I understood from this story it was talking about suicide. You are first in this girls perspective who is falling and she is on her way to the ball and people are reaching out to grab her and stop her. At the end of the story however you are in an older couples perspective and they usually hear the thud when the hit the ground. It was well written and it was a very vivid story.
The third story was probably my favorite it was called “The Fifth Story”. The thing I liked most about this story is it changed the way it told the same story each time. It always starts out the same “I was complaining about cockroaches”. Then each subsequent story adds some sort of detail in it. I thought it was really cool how it was done I would like to know what the author means by the title of the fifth story  “Leibnitz and the Transcendence of Love in Polynesia”. 

1 comment:

  1. Ok, good. Do say more, discuss further and include more examples: 8/10

    Feb 12: 8/10 points
